Well, I have had my new E2 for about three weeks and I'm loving it. The day it arrived (it was a few days early), my husband sent me a text at work saying "you got a package and it says Cricut on it". I was so excited I could hardly concentrate at work the rest of the day. I opened it as soon as I got home, but didn't get a chance to play with it until a couple of days later. It didn't take me long at all to learn how to use it. I love that it has the touch screen and I'm loving the preloaded cartridges on it. It's great! I love it! I'm finally just getting the pics uploaded to blogger from when I opened it up. My husband took pics so I can scrapbook the moment later. :)
Isn't it so pretty?! Did I tell you how much I love it?! ;)
Congrats on your new E-2! :)