Tuesday, June 16, 2015

So many new projects and my birthday!

Welcome back and welcome to any new followers/visitors!

So, I've been trying out so many new projects, I can't seem to find the time to post about them. I'm also currently working on something totally different than what I have ever made in the past. I will give you a sneak peek at the end of this post.

So June 8th was my birthday. Another year older, another year... wiser? :) I decided to take the day off from my full time job for the first time in a long time. I had a great day eating and shopping with my mom. She's recently moved to the same town that I live in so we get to see each other much more often than we use to.

On to my projects now. I found this pattern for crocheting chicken potholders and I have a friend who loves chickens. I thought it would be fun to make some of these potholders for her for her birthday which is very close to my birthday.

I shared the pattern for making the chickens to my Facebook page so I could find it easier when I went back to make them and ended up getting some orders for them. I made a few and sold them right away at our local Farmer's Market so I had to go back to Walmart and buy out the rest of the skeins they had in that color (5 total). Thank goodness Walmart has reasonable yarn prices.

Here is how mine turned out. I'm still working to perfect them. The beak never seems to turn out the way I want it to. 

So, putting the package together for my friend, I decided that the two chicken potholders wasn't enough to make the package worth sending so I was looking through some of my former Pinterest pins and found this pattern for flower coasters. I decided to do them in pink and blue. She let me know she received the package so I was able to release the post. Didn't want to ruin the surprise for her. Hope you like everything LG and happy birthday!

Well, that's all for today. I will be back soon with some more new projects. Oh, and here is that sneak peek I promised. This is for an order I received at my Farmer's Market. Hoping to have it done by this Saturday. I think I may be working too much in pink lately. ;)
Any guesses on what it is?

Thanks for stopping by and check back soon. 

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