Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dishwasher Sign Project

Welcome to my blog. For my first project since starting over (and going to try to post more regularly), I will show you the dishwasher clean/dirty sign I decided to make. I've seen all over the internet how people make different kinds of signs to put on their dishwasher so their families know if the dishes are clean or dirty. I decided I needed one because my kids are constantly asking me if the dishes are clean or dirty.

I'm a Graphic Designer by trade, so I decided to make my own. In a design program I imported a pretty background, picked a shape template and using a font I liked, typed out the words clean and dirty, flipping the one word upside down and butting them up against each other. That way, if you can read the word clean, the dishes are clean. If you can read the word, dirty, the dishes are dirty.

I then printed it out on a color printer and I don't have a laminator yet so I took packing tape and covered both sides multiple times in packing tape. I then cut out around the shape of the sign. Tonight I finished the project by adding a sheet of magnet paper to the back and then cutting out around the shape again. Unfortunately, the front of my dishwasher must not be metal (because it didn't stick to it) so I put the sign on my fridge. Here it is....

So, what do you think? It's not too fancy, but it will serve it's purpose. Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment if you like and stop again real soon.

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